miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015

Interviewing Nadine


1.Divide yourselves into groups of four.

2.Choose one topic from the following:

Personal information
Academic background/school and university in Scotland.
Social life in Scotland
Scotland - history and geographical features
Life in Spain from Nadine´s point of view

3.Each of you should write five questions. There should be at least twenty questions in your group. Choose twleve of them to ask Nadine. Each of you should ask at least two questions and make a comment on Nadine´s answers.

4. Choose the location. It must be within the school limits.

Lights, camera, action!

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015

What Makes A True Friend?2

What Makes A True Friend?

1. How long has Nadine known Amy?
2. If they fall out with each other, what do they do?
3. Name 2 things that they have in common.
4. What is the problem with some of Amy and Nadine´s other friends?
5. How would Amy describe Nadine?
6. According to Nadine, what is the best thing about their friendship?
7. How long does she think they will stay friends?

miércoles, 14 de enero de 2015

How I spent the Christmas Holidays

How did Nadine spend her holidays? Were they great, or were they awful?
Name at least three reason to support your statement about Nadine´s holiday.
Did they finally eat turkey, or not?
What did she do on Boxing Day?
How was the party at her brother´s house?
What were the main things that she did after New Year´s Day?

E-mail about your holidays

Write an e-mail to a friend explaining the way you spent your Christmas Holidays. Follow this structure:
Greet  your friend
Say if you had a good time or not
Write about what you did on Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, Twelfth Night…..
Write a conclusion.

Here is an example:

Hi Anne,
It was great to hear from you. I hope you and your family are well and that you had a nice Christmas. My holidays were great. I spent a week at my parents´ house in York and then went to London for a few days with friends. Christmas Day was really low key. We exchanged presents and my parents cooked dinner for the whole family. After we had stuffed our faces we watched TV for the rest of the night. On Boxing Day I went to the sales and I bought that pretty dress I had told you about the last time we met. It was half price. You know that I can´t resist a bargain! I´m hoping to wear it to your birthday party next month. New Year´s Eve was a blast! We went out in London for some drinks and danced until the early hours. You´ll never guess who I bumped into! Yes, it was him, the guy we had been talking about and who I never thought I would see again. By the way, his name is Richard and he works for the BBC down south. As you see, I´ve got every reason to think that my holidays were great. Friends, family, good food, a new dress, and who knows, maybe a new boyfriend! 

Speak to you soon.

Hugs and kisses,
