martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016

Castro 3.

2. True or false? Correct the false sentences.
1.  1952, government corruption in Havana is rampant and a young Fidel Castro is running for Congress.
2.  But just before the election, Fulgencio Batista deposes the president and leaves the island.
3.  July 26, 1953 Castro leads a group of 5000 men to storm an important military garrison in Havana, Moncada barracks. 
4.  They tried to seize arms to start a revolution, but it ends up in a bloodbath.
5.  Many of them die, and those who were not killed were sent to jail, except Fidel.
6.  Batista plans to have Castro killed after his release, so Castro runs to Spain .
7.  November 26, 1956 Castro returns from Mexico on an old boat called Gramma.
8.  They are ambushed by the Cuban army and most are killed outright.
9.  Castro dies and, with a few others, escapes to Sierra Maestra mountains where the hide for nearly 2 years building a revolutionary army and developing a political philosophy and strategy.
10.      Throughout Cuba, people are growing more and more repulsed by the brutality of Batista´s regime.
11.      Batista has killed and jailed thousands as he tries to keep his grasp on power.
12.      New Year´s Eve 1958, while in Havana a revolution is bubbling over, on the streets and Cuban countryside people are playing cards, placing bets, dancing and celebrating .
13.      After midnight Castro, who has spent the day gathering up cash and friends,  leaves the country while the nation celebrates and people dance on the streets .
14.      Castro goes to Havana immediately. And when he gets there is nobody on the streets to celebrate his victory.

15.      While he speaks two doves land on his shoulder and arm and he is seen as the “deliverer” according to the Cuban religion “Santería”. He is seen as the one who is going to take Cuba from its helpless status and make it a strong nation. 

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